The OpenI.T® Advantage Connectivity System
The OpenI.T.® Advantage Connectivity System is described as a total solution for the movement of data to and from the Unisys mainframe to a user workstation. The workstation can be a terminal, printer, PC, or even another mainframe connected via modem, RS232, Local Area Network<LAN>, or Wide Area Network <WAN>. The OpenI.T.® system is based on one principle: Modularity. This system sits upon an easy to use Graphical User Interface, WindowsNT/200/2003®. With this pre-emptive multi-tasking operating system, additional connectivity modules or functions can be added easily. Never before has there been a system so flexible that your imagination can contribute to the OpenI.T.'s possibilities. The systems interfaced today are the Unisys Clearpath, `A' series, `V' series, and Windows2000/2003 application servers.
The OpenI.T. Connectivity System supports all network protocols: TCP/IP IPX/SPX (LCW) NetBios(HLCN)
Windows NT/2000/2003 supports all topologies: Ethernet(10 Mps/100 Mps/Gigabit) FDDI Token Ring
Compliant with terminal emulators from: Attachmate Virtual Technology Core Technology PNC (32 bit emulator)
plus others
All Unisys legacy protocols are supported. IBM 2780 / 3780 / 3270 legacy protocols are supported. DCS , DCP , NDL , SNDL , GEMCOS , and COMS headers are supported.
Telnet Server Support
Open I.T. allows users attached to the TCP/IP network (as well as existing, poll/select devices) to run existing, Unisys-resident applications. This is accomplished through standard TCP/IP TELNET session support. Open I.T. offers emulation for the most commonly found telnet devices installed in TCP/IP networks:
Native telnet/VT220 This is the "standard" telnet station type under which terminal sessions typically take place between TCP host servers and PCs running the TCP/IP protocol stack. Open I.T. has an internal "VT-to-T27" emulator which will automatically make such devices appear to the Unisys host like native T27 devices. This can eliminate the expensive "per-desktop" costs associated with installing Unisys emulation on every PC that may need to access the Unisys host. Unisys telnet/TD830 In this case, the Unisys terminal emulation resides on the PC and runs "on top" of the TCP protocol installed on the PC. All third-party PC emulation packages (CTC Bridge, InfoConnect, Qterm, etc.) are supported by Open I.T. is these environment. IBM telnet/3270, IBM telnet/5250 In this case the telnet client supports IBM's 3270 or 5250 data formats. Again, Open I.T. provides internal emulation to convert the IBM device behavior to standard Unisys T27 so no special accommodations are required to the existing Unisys application.
Telnet Client Support
Open I.T. supports terminal passthrough from Unisys T-27 devices to other TCP/IP hosts through a facility called telnet client services. This allows a user at a T27 (or compatible) to access application systems running on other platforms within the network. Depending on the type of platform, Open I.T. may also provide terminal emulation for the T27 so that the "foreign" applications can be isolated from the unique characteristics of the Unisys terminal. Current telnet client emulation services include IBM/3270 and 5250, as well as Unisys TD830.
The initiating T27 may be attached to Open I.T., or an existing data communication system (e.g., CP2000, NSP/LSP, DCDLP, etc.). A part of the telnet client services within Open I.T. is a host-resident UNIPAS program, supplied with the product. UNIPAS acts as a software switch that passes the message traffic from the Unisys host to the channel-connected Open I.T. system. In an A Series environment, UNIPAS is a COMS direct-window application, and thus accessing the remote host is as easy as opening a window.
For the Clear Path and `A' series user, the OpenI.T. connectivity system adds a level of security that other host system based solutions do not provide in that all stations must be defined on the OpenI.T Connectivity System. Also as an option, passwords may be aged. This security is in addition to the ClearPath and `A' series standard security and provides another level of protection from unauthorized users, either local or remote. Some other solutions rely totally on the ClearPath/`A' Series standard security and allow all new stations/users to enter the system as a guest session using default settings possibly without requiring a password.
The additional layer(s) of security that the OpenI.T Connectivity
System provides, better protects Unisys mainframe access.
connectivity to the mainframe is either SCSI or ETHERNET socket.
Windows NT/2000/2003 Operating System
Message Router - Transaction base
Hardware Device Drivers - For OpenI.T hardware modules. if required
Graphical User Interface (GUI) - System environment manage
LAN/WAN interface - A Module that allows connectivity to a variety of networks.
CP3680 compatible - With CP3680-like features
FTP Module - Client/Server options
LAN print module - Makes LAN printers look like a host printer
Scheduler Module - have tasks be automated or manually scheduled
Built-In Console/Terminal emulator |